08/18/20 by tristatecarbonationservice 0 Comments
NYSBA Virtual Festival
450+ breweries provide more than 20,000 jobs in NYS. Taprooms are important community gathering places and venues for musicians. Join the NYSBA in helping breweries survive the pandemic.
The New York State Brewers Association (NYSBA) is a 501 (c)6 and was founded in 2003 to serve as a promotional and legislative proponent for New York State breweries, microbreweries, farm breweries, brewpubs and brewing affiliated businesses. The growth of the Craft Beer segment continues to be strong and New York State’s share of that growth has exceeded that of breweries on the national level.
Together the craft beer community raised $18,000 during the PEACE LOVE BEER & Music Festival – a virtual fundraising event to support the NYS craft beer industry and it’s exended community of musicians. Over the course of 3 days breweries throughout the state broadcasted live with music performances, tours and more in efforts to raise $25,000.
It’s not too late to help reach their goal of raising $25,000 to keep NYS craft beer brewing! Donate to the NYSBA or order Think NY Drink NY craft beer gear today.
#PeaceLoveBeer #thinkNYdrinkNY